How does payment work and how do I get paid?

We hold payment until the item is delivered


Last Update één jaar geleden

Payment can be made by credit/debit card, the money is held with HSR until the item is delivered. Up until this time, a refund can be issued by the owner.  

Once the item is picked up or delivered please contact the lender via chat or text them (the call button is on the top right-hand corner) and ask them to press ITEM RECEIVED on their booking summary. This triggers a payment to PayPal instantly or your nominated bank account within three business days. This can be changed any time via your DASHBOARD - PAYOUT METHOD. 

If they do not press ITEM RECEIVED, payment is automatically triggered on the last day of the rental.

You can check all your payments in the PAYMENT LOG located in your dashboard.

IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAID it could be because you have not completed the Stripe Verification. Please go to the DASHBOARD - PAYOUT METHOD and correct the errors. Once this has been updated, the system will pick up any payments which have not been successful. If you need help please create a ticket, including the booking number. 

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