Payout options

Australian Bank Account or PayPal


Last Update vor 5 Monaten

We offer two ways to be paid: via PayPal or into your bank account via Stripe. 

Anyone under 18 years of age can only be paid out via PayPal and will have to use a parent/guardian account. You are able to nominate your bank account to be paid into. 

PayPal payouts are instant so as soon as your client presses ITEM RECEIVED the money will hit your PayPal account regardless of the day. A 2.5% transaction fee charged by PayPal will be deducted. 

Stripe accounts are paid between 1 and 5 days and do not process on a weekend. So if your client presses ITEM RECEIVED which triggers payment, on a Friday the money will hit your account the Monday afternoon. You will be charged 2.5%

Please choose which method you prefer when you set up your profile. You can change your preference at any time. 

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