How do I cancel a booking and get a refund?

When you're lending someone's outfit


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

Sometimes plans change, items aren't as described or arrive on time and it is totally OK to ask for a refund. Please get in touch with the renter via the chat button and explain why you'd like to cancel. They can issue you a refund which will pay you back onto the card you paid with. 

Refunds must be requested before the owner has been paid for the booking which is when ITEM RECIEVED is pressed or the last day of the booking. Once the money has left our account we will not be responsible for compensation and it will have to be organised between parties.

We allow shops to set their own refund policies so please check their bio or ask about refunds and cancellations when placing a booking. We deliberately hold the funds in our account so that our users can easily refund you if needed. 

Alternatively you can request a date change. See recommended article below. 

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